
Aytek Yuksel

Aytek Yuksel - Cummins Inc
Content Marketing Leader - Power Systems

Aytek Yuksel is the Content Marketing Leader for Cummins Inc., with a focus on Power Systems markets. Aytek joined the Company in 2008. Since then, he has worked in several marketing roles and now brings you the learnings from our key markets ranging from industrial to residential markets. Aytek lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife and two kids.

29 de octubre de 2021
Internal combustion engines using traditional and alternative fuels are an integral part of life in all parts of the world. They are almost…
28 de octubre de 2021
Many businesses have made it a priority to reduce their carbon footprint. Multiple ways to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are available to…
26 de octubre de 2021
What is power-to-x? “Power-to-x” refers to a series of techniques and pathways allowing to convert, store and utilize renewable electrical energy.…
20 de octubre de 2021
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been aggressively reducing diesel engine emissions over the last 25 years, and Cummins Inc. has…
04 de octubre de 2021
Utility grids and microgrids have a lot in common. Both serve the same function-to provide electrical power to consumers. Both are subject to the…
29 de sept. de 2021
The stone age did not end because the world ran out of stones, and the oil age will not end because we run out of oil1. Instead the oil age will end…
23 de sept. de 2021
A microgrid is a small electricity grid where electricity is produced, distributed and consumed. Microgrids can be independent from the main grid or…
23 de sept. de 2021
Microgrids are small-scale electricity networks. They are power systems which both generate and distribute electricity. Some microgrids are connected…
23 de sept. de 2021
Microgrids are not fundamentally different from wide-area grids. They support smaller loads, serve fewer consumers, and are deployed over smaller…
23 de Ago. de 2021
Is dependence to electric power the Achilles heel for businesses against the emerging cybersecurity threats?  Cybersecurity threats to electric…
30 de julio del 2021
Get the most out of your RVing experience with smart devices and products. Your home is already a hub for smart devices, and now it is time for your…
19 de julio del 2021
Many might think of their newest gadgets when it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT). Meanwhile, the industrial and commercial applications of IoT…
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