Off-highway aftertreatment systems

Cummins desarrolla tecnología de postratamiento líder en la industria, diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de rendimiento y confiabilidad de nuestros clientes, a la vez que optimiza el ahorro de combustible y los ahorros en los costos. Cummings Emissions Solutions (CES) ayuda a los clientes de todo el mundo a cumplir con las normas de emisiones para hoy, mañana y más allá con tecnología innovadora, flexible e integrada para mercados comerciales fuera de la carretera de trabajo liviano, mediano, pesado y de alta potencia.

Our off-highway aftertreatment technologies and components are designed to treat exhaust gases from off-highway, non-road diesel engines and power generator units. These systems are implemented to comply with stringent emission standards by reducing the levels of harmful pollutants released into the atmosphere. Off-highway equipment, including construction equipment, agricultural machinery, industrial machines, and light-duty applications with displacement ranges from Cummins 2.8L to 95L engines, are subject to emissions regulations aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of their operations.

Key components of off-highway aftertreatment systems

Filtro para partículas diésel
Filtros para partículas de diésel (DPF)

DPFs are designed to capture and remove particulate matter (PM) or soot from the exhaust gases. As exhaust flows through the filter, particulates are trapped, and periodic regeneration processes are often employed to burn off the collected soot.

Reducción catalítica selectiva
Disminución catalítica selectiva (SCR)

SCR technology is used in diesel, natural gas and dual-fuel engines. It uses a catalyst to convert nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaust gas into nitrogen and water. This process involves injecting a urea-based solution (commonly known as diesel exhaust fluid or DEF) into the exhaust stream.

Catalizador de oxidación diésel
Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC):

DOC is a catalytic converter that promotes the oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) in the exhaust gas, converting them into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.

Catalyzed diesel particulate filters
Catalyzed diesel particulate filters (CDPF)

CDPFs combine the functions of DPF and SCR in a single unit, offering a compact solution for emissions control.

Se admiten las normas de emisiones fuera de la carretera


Las regulaciones de emisiones para vehículos fuera de carretera y no de carretera, unidades generadoras de energía y otros equipos en los Estados Unidos, Europa, China e India están diseñadas para limitar las emisiones de contaminantes de estos tipos de equipos para reducir su impacto en la calidad del aire y el medio ambiente. Estas regulaciones generalmente se enfocan en reducir las emisiones de contaminantes como material particulado (PM), óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y otras sustancias dañinas. El cumplimiento de estas regulaciones a menudo implica el uso de tecnologías avanzadas, como sistemas de postratamiento del escape y opciones de combustible más limpio, para cumplir con los límites de emisión especificados.

In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes emission standards for off-highway diesel engines.

  • Tier 4i: The Tier 4i standards were part of a phased approach to progressively tighten emission limits for these engines. The main focus of Tier 4i was to significantly reduce levels of PM and NOx compared to previous emission standards.

To comply with Tier 4i standards, manufacturers of off-highway diesel engines had to incorporate advanced emission control technologies into their engines. Las tecnologías comunes utilizadas para el cumplimiento incluyen filtros para partículas de diésel (DPF) y sistemas de disminución catalítica selectiva (SCR). Estas tecnologías ayudan a atrapar y reducir los contaminantes nocivos antes de que se liberen a la atmósfera.

  • Tier 4F: Tier 4F, also known as Final Tier 4, builds upon the earlier Tier 4i  standards. The main goals of Tier 4F include significant reductions in harmful emissions and improvements in air quality.

To comply with Tier 4F standards, manufacturers of off-highway diesel engines employ advanced emission control technologies similar to those used in Tier 4i.

In Europe, the European Union (EU) sets emission standards for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM).

  • Stage V: Stage V is the EU’s corresponding set of emission standards to. Tier 4F. Both standards aim to regulate and reduce emissions from off-highway diesel engines used in various applications, such as construction equipment, agricultural machinery, and industrial equipment.

In China, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) sets emission standards for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM).

  • China IV: China CSIV is the country’s corresponding set of emission standards to Tier 4F. Both standards aim to regulate and reduce emissions from off-highway diesel engines used in various applications, such as construction equipment, agricultural machinery, and industrial equipment.

In India, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) sets emission standards for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM).

  • Bharat Stage (BS) IV: BS IV is India’s corresponding set of emission standards to Tier 4F. Both standards aim to regulate and reduce emissions from off-highway diesel engines used in various applications, such as construction equipment, agricultural machinery, and industrial equipment.

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