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Celebrating Black History Month - Fostering Acceptance in Global Markets
Celebrating Black History Month - Fostering Acceptance in Global Markets

Black History Month is a time for recognizing the central role of African-Americans in U.S. history, for Cummins, it is also about highlighting the significance of diversity and inclusion. In honor of Black History Month, we've invited employees to share their personal stories, helping others to understand what this month represents, as well as the importance of an inclusive workplace year round.&

Celebrating Black History Month - The Importance of an Inclusive Workplace
Celebrating Black History Month - The Importance of an Inclusive Workplace

Black History Month is a time for recognizing the central role of African-Americans in U.S. history, for Cummins, it is also about highlighting the significance of diversity and inclusion. In honor of Black History Month, we've invited employees to share their personal stories, helping others to understand what this month represents, as well as the importance of an inclusive workplace year round.&

Using the Power of Numbers to Reduce CO2

Kevin Brittain started getting into efficient design while an engineering undergrad at the University of Evansville in Evansville, Indiana. It wasn't until he came to Cummins, however, that he fully appreciated the connection between design efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2). Kevin Brittain uses Numerical Optimization to help produce better designs, faster.  Using sophi

Two members of Cummins leadership team, Sharon Barner and Marya Rose, have been honored for displaying outstanding leadership.
Members of Cummins Leadership Team Honored for Their Work

Cummins is a global company that embraces diverse perspectives and empowers its employees. In the past month, two members of Cummins leadership team have been honored for displaying outstanding leadership. Today, these influencers are making a big difference not only in the company but in their communities as well. Sharon Barner, Vice President and General Counsel, received the Pamela L. Carter

2016 Corporate Equality Index: Cummins Earns Top Rating from Human Rights Campaign
2016 Corporate Equality Index: Cummins Earns Top Rating from Human Rights Campaign

For the eleventh straight year, Cummins has been awarded a perfect score in the 2016 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT workplace equality, administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The ratings were announced by HRC, the largest U.S. civil rights organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and tra

Former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang Díaz
Breaking Barriers to Fly in Space

Nothing was going to stop Franklin Chang Díaz from realizing his dream. Not language barriers. Not financial barriers. And certainly not the hard work necessary to become an astronaut. Chang Díaz, however, also says he was also fortunate to have a loving and supportive family and some well-timed help along the way. "No one gets anywhere without someone else's help," Chang Díaz said as the fe

United Way honors Cummins employees and community volunteers
Cummins in the Community

Cummins strives to become an integral part of each community that it resides in. One way it accomplishes this is through the countless hours of community service and involvement their employees log each year. Here is one example of how Cummins employees have gone above and beyond in their community: Every year, United Way of Elkhart County (Indiana, USA) recognizes those volunteers who go ab

Cummins' Mark Levett announces retirement after 42 years
After 42 Years, Levett Leaves His Impact on Corporate Responsibility

Mark Levett, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility and CEO of the Cummins Foundation, will retire Nov. 30 after serving in a variety of key leadership positions during his 42 years with the company. After joining Cummins as an entry level analyst in 1973, Levett used his business expertise, his strong work ethic and his skills to quickly rise through the company and by 1981, Levett had alr

Southern Indiana Cummins Employee Supply Drive
Southern Indiana Employees Make New Record

Cummins has always been eager to link its values to corporate responsibility. It wasn't until early 2000 that the company changed its outlook on corporate responsibility and renewed their commitment to giving back. Today, Cummins employees in Indiana joined forces with the local Veterans and Supporters Affinity Group (VSAG) to sponsor a Military Care package Drive.  The drive aimed at coll

Cummins National Women in Engineering Day 2015
Cummins Celebrates National Women in Engineering Day

On National Women in Engineering Day, held June 23 in the United Kingdom, employees from Cummins Power Generation (CPG) stayed busy by working across sites in Kent, Peterborough and Stamford, England in support of the Cummins Women in Technology (CWiT) forum, an initiative championed by Cummins' Chief Technical Officer, John Wall. Their aim? To encourage careers in STEM and promote opportunities f

Cummins John Wall Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award
Honoring a Lifetime of Achievement in Air-Quality Research

Cummins' Vice President - Chief Technology Officer, Dr. John Wall, and two California professors are the latest recipients of a prestigious award presented Thursday, June 25 that recognizes outstanding lifetime achievement in air-quality research, science and technology. The Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards are presented annually by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), one of the most influen

cummins distribution hq building rendering
Cummins Breaks Ground on Global Distribution HQ in Indy

The threat of inclement weather over central Indiana couldn't dampen the excitement as executives from Cummins, along with elected officials from the city of Indianapolis and the state of Indiana, broke ground on the company's much-anticipated global Distribution Business headquarters this morning in downtown Indianapolis. The distinctive office tower - first revealed in renderings release

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