
Fabiana Menezes

Corporate Communications Specialist

Fabiana is the Corporate Communications Specialist for Cummins Power Systems Latin America. She graduated in Journalism and has pursued a career in Corporate Communications with ten years' experience at multinational companies from different sectors. She joined the company in February, 2018. 

17 de octubre de 2019
The Guillermo Sánchez Borbón Hospital was inaugurated in June 2019. Named after the highly accomplished journalist, poet and novelist who wrote under…
21 de mayo del 2019
UCEM Chimborazo is the second largest cement plant in Ecuador, currently producing around 1.6m tonnes of cement annually. When it came to fail-safe…
22 de mar. de 2019
The first phase is a 350-meter pier equipped with three rail-mounted gantry cranes (RMGs) for Post Panamax ships and nine rubber-tyred gantry cranes…
11 de febrero de 2019
Attendees included 10 sales managers and coordinators from the Cummins-owned and five independent distributors, and 24 customers from different…
07 de febrero de 2019
Cummins' six distributors in Brazil - CVSMG, DCML, DCDN, DCCO, Motormac and Noroeste - hosted the individual events. While the concept of Open Energy…
23 de enero de 2019
This day marked two important events in Latin America - Data Center Dynamics Chile and Data Center Summit Uruguay. The events hosted hundreds of…
21 de enero de 2019
As operators seek out energy solutions that are efficient and sustainable, cogeneration is one that maximizes efficiency by producing electrical and…
09 de noviembre del 2018
This is Jade Park, an “urban oasis” in Asunción, Paraguay, and a continuation of the Jade residences in southern Florida from real estate firm…
28 de Ago. de 2018
A new cogeneration energy system at a Brazilian chemical company is producing large energy savings, providing power, hot water and steam to the site…
23 de julio del 2018
Power Systems Brazil recently held an All Employees’ Meeting to encourage integration in all senses – integration of people, of products and…
23 de julio del 2018
Recent events hosted in Paraguay and Bolivia have highlighted the role Cummins plays in Latin America, and the impact Cummins is making on power…
23 de julio del 2018
Cummins Peru's Renewable Energy Solutions was the title of an event held on June 6 in Peru’s capital city, Lima. The conference was a great…
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