
Fabiana Menezes

Corporate Communications Specialist

Fabiana is the Corporate Communications Specialist for Cummins Power Systems Latin America. She graduated in Journalism and has pursued a career in Corporate Communications with ten years' experience at multinational companies from different sectors. She joined the company in February, 2018. 

27 de junio de 2018
Cummins Power Systems brought together a group of 20 individuals from Brazil for the company's 2018 Fly-In Power Seminar in Minneapolis,…
27 de junio de 2018
Cummins Power Systems Latin America held a distributors conference for the first time in Chile. The event, held May 21-24 in Santiago, was attended…
24 de abril de 2018
Following the success of two Power Seminars in the Colombian cities of Cali and Manizales in 2016, Cummins dealer Tecnodiesel last month hosted a new…
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