
Lauren Cole

Senior Digital Communications Specialist

Lauren is the Senior Digital Communications Specialist for Cummins Inc, where she focuses on social media, employee storytelling, and employer branding. Lauren joined the company in early 2017 and has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Indiana University. 

22 de octubre de 2021
How did you discover Cummins as a place to develop your career? I've always enjoyed working with my hands, troubleshooting, creating new processes.…
20 de sept. de 2021
Take us through your career journey up to this point. My first job was as a Quality Technician at Hydrogenics in 2013. In 2019, Hydrogenics was…
11 de Ago. de 2021
What is it about your job that motivates you?  My first motivation for what I do, which is also the reason why I applied to work for Cummins,…
20 de julio del 2021
From the farm to the financial world and college to career, Cummins has always been part of Anna Neese's life as long as she can remember. "Cummins…
29 de junio de 2021
Kanwulia Gwam loves a good story. Since childhood and especially throughout quarantine, you can always find her curled up with a good book. But she's…
23 de junio de 2021
What compelled you to work for New Power when you were so close to retirement? I've been an engineer for over 30 years and worked at Cummins for…
11 de junio de 2021
 "The world is your oyster." That's how Jeet Roy describes his time at Cummins so far. "The company truly supports you on your career journey -…
10 de mayo del 2021
Danielle Lewis discovered her curiosity for math and science at a very young age. So, it was no surprise that when it came time to choose a career…
23 de abril de 2021
Growing up, Kim would accompany her father to construction sites and be fascinated by how things were built from scratch. She was so captivated by it…
09 de abril de 2021
Isaac Dankwah's first Indiana winter was a rude awakening. Growing up in Ghana, Isaac never had to stock his closet with jackets and coats. But after…
07 de abril de 2021
From an early age, Leonardo has always had an instinct for innovation. Most recently, this instinct has driven him to join the Cummins New Power team…
01 de abril de 2021
For Gonul Ogan, home isn't a place - home is her people. After growing up in Turkey, Gonul has traveled the world, living throughout Europe in France…
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