
Cummins Components Business Unit

Components Business Unit

04 de sept. de 2024
Emission regulations have become crucial in reducing the environmental impact of heavy-duty vehicles. The implementation of U.S. Environment…
29 de Ago. de 2024
As fleets work towards reducing emissions, understanding the differences in aftertreatment systems for various fuel types is crucial. The adoption…
25 de julio del 2024
La industria del transporte está navegando por el delicado equilibrio entre la mejora del rendimiento y la sostenibilidad. A pivotal aspect of this journey…
18 de julio del 2024
Engine and vehicle OEMs are faced with the difficult task of streamlining their engine platform and adjusting it for global markets – each with its…
17 de julio del 2024
Cummins Inc. is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship by focusing on innovative technologies, operational efficiency and…
15 de julio del 2024
Cummins Valvetrain Technologies reports positive results from further on-road testing of its Jacobs® cylinder deactivation (CDA) technology, which is…
11 de julio del 2024
Sustainability in the transportation industry is a critical goal for Cummins Inc. We have been committed to leading the industry through the energy…
10 de julio del 2024
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are at the forefront of advancing towards a more sustainable transportation…
02 de julio del 2024
The adoption of gaseous fuels like hydrogen and natural gas is becoming increasingly popular in commercial transportation. Both technologies help…
01 de julio del 2024
The transportation industry's shift towards cleaner operations is a key goal in the future of energy transition. As businesses find ways to achieve…
18 de abril de 2024
The engine control module (ECM) is a critical component in the fuel delivery system in diesel, natural gas and hydrogen vehicles. This article looks…
15 de abril de 2024
The fuel system is a critical part of any engine, playing a pivotal role in powering vehicles efficiently and effectively. As fuel technologies…
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