Cómo está evolucionando el sistema de manejo de aire de células de combustible ICE a PEM para mayor eficiencia y sostenibilidad

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La sostenibilidad en la industria del transporte es un objetivo fundamental para Cummins Inc. Nos hemos comprometido a liderar la industria a través de la transición energética con Destination Zero, nuestra estrategia para alcanzar cero emisiones. With a focus on reducing environmental impact through innovative technologies and practices, Cummins is leveraging its technological expertise, to lead the industry towards a greener, more sustainable path.

One critical avenue, to reducing emissions in the mobility and transportation industry involves transitioning from traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) to cutting-edge fuel cells (FCEVs). The software, electronics, turbochargers, and fuel systems components in these vehicles have improved to meet different technological requirements. The air handling system is another component whose role in this transition is worth exploring.

This article examines the evolution of ICE and FCEVs technology in the industry and explores the role of air handling architecture that is necessary in both these technologies to move the industry forward.

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How have internal combustion engines (ICE) evolved?

Internal combustion engines have been the backbone of automotive and industrial power for over a century. Burning fuel with air inside an engine creates power. The process involves drawing air and fuel into a combustion chamber, compressing and igniting the mixture to generate an explosion driving a piston. This movement is then translated into rotational force, powering everything from vehicles to generators with remarkable efficiency. The system depends on the interplay of air and fossil fuels like gasoline or diesel and now alternative fuels like biofuels, ammonia and hydrogen.

While ICE technology has advanced, including improvements in fuel efficiency, reductions in emissions and the adaptation to renewable fuels, the quest for cleaner energy sources requires exploring technologies like the proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM FC).

How does the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEM FC) work?

Like other fuel cells, a PEM FC generates power through electrochemical reactions. It begins when hydrogen gas is fed into the fuel cell on the anode side while oxygen is fed into the cathode. At the anode, hydrogen molecules are separated into protons and electrons. The positive and negative particles then travel two different paths.

The electrons travel to an external electric circuit before continuing to the cathode. The external circuit is where a flow of electricity is created. The positive particles pass through the membrane to the cathode. Once there, the protons reunite with the electrons and react with oxygen to produce the only clean biproducts, which are water and heat.

For commercial vehicles, PEM FCs offer the potential for long-range, heavy duty-cycle operations with fast refueling times, while maintaining the efficiency and reliability the transportation industry expects. Cummins and Accelera™ by Cummins – the zero-emissions business segment of Cummins is at the forefront of supplying and integrating zero-emissions technologies to decarbonize the world’s hardest working industries.

Cummins is actively working with Accelera™ on innovative technologies for transportation and heavy-duty operations. One of the principal areas of focus is adapting air handling technologies to support PEM FC power systems.

What is an air handling system and what does it do in commercial vehicles?

Air handling involves managing and controlling airflow within both ICE engines and fuel cell engines. It encompasses the intake of air, its compression and the exhaust of gases. In ICE, air handling is critical for ensuring that clean air is available for fuel combustion, optimizing performance and controlling emissions.

In fuel cell engines, air handling takes on a new dimension. The air handling system architecture and technology has evolved from low-pressure systems to high-pressure e-compressors and is now advancing towards e-turbos. These developments are driven by the need for efficient air supply to the fuel cell, ensuring increased power density and optimized system efficiency. In PEM FC, the air (Oxygen) pulls the proton through the PEM membrane which allows the electron to do work. So, the more air you move, the more electrons you get (electrons are the current), which results in more power.

From ICE TO PEM FC: The evolution of air handling

PEM FC technology has some unique characteristics in air handling compared to ICEs.

For example, air handling machines require high-speed electric motors since they cannot rely solely on waste energy from the exhaust. This shift has led to the development of high-pressure e-compressors and the transition to e-turbos, which aim to enhance system efficiency and performance.

Another significant difference is the need for an oil-free air supply in PEM FCs because hydrocarbons degrade fuel cell membranes. This contrasts with ICEs, where small amounts of oil contamination in the compressor are tolerable.

PEM FCs can use e-turbos to harness waste energy to reduce motor size and parasitic load, thereby improving fuel economy. The e-turbo's ability to push more air into the system directly increases the power density of the PEM FC - more air helps pull more protons through PEM which increase number of electrons available for current. This technology also enhances altitude capability, enabling air supply when the compressor power demand and energy recovery potential is at its highest.

Despite these differences, the fundamental applications of air handling architecture in a PEM FC remain unchanged. Cummins' Components Business is leveraging its decades of manufacturing and supply chain experience in supporting the trucking and rail industry to design and support the transition to more sustainable transportation using PEM FCs.

How does Cummins support the transition to sustainability?

As we move closer to the future of energy and sustainable operations, Cummins is dedicated to developing a range of products that meet diverse requirements. Our focus on integrating advanced air handling technologies, such as e-turbos, in PEM FC systems is a testament to our commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship.

The evolution from ICE to PEM FC, particularly in air handling, exemplifies Cummins' ongoing journey towards a more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of PEM FCs and advancing air handling technologies, we are paving the way for cleaner, more efficient commercial vehicles. Cummins is working with Accelera on PEM FC technology for multiple applications to lower emissions and meet the demand for sustainable transportation solutions. For more information about BEVs and FCEVs, visit accelerzero.com.

Cummins Components Business Unit

Components Business Unit

Los Custompaks de Cummins se utilizan para la gestión del agua mientras Tailandia lucha con su crisis de agua

CustomPak in situ

Water crisis

Sixty Cummins Inc. CustomPaks are in service in Thailand as part of a critical water management plan aimed at easing the country’s water crisis – a crisis that has caused enormous economic and social damage and stirred conflict among communities.

En las últimas décadas, Tailandia ha enfrentado continuamente problemas de agua causados por una grave sequía. Water reserves in dams and reservoirs are insufficient while water resources are often contaminated with toxins caused by urban communities and the industrial and agricultural sectors.

Severe flooding is a threat, too, at a time when the realities of climate change are hanging over the country.

As a result, the allocation of precious water resources, which must be shared among various stakeholders including new and existing industry, large and small agriculture, and cities and villages has become a flashpoint.

Kittithanapat Engineering Co. (KTP), has been involved in the water management system since 1996, working closely with authorities such as the Royal Irrigation Department, Department of Water Resources, Bangkok Metropolitan Authority and others.

CustomPaks on site

600 hp CustomPaks

To help KTP meet its often urgent requirements, Cummins DKSH (Thailand) has recently supplied 60 Australian-built CustomPaks - 45 powered by Cummins' X15 engine rated at 600 hp, and 15 powered by the QSL9 rated at 325 hp. These fully self-contained powerpacks are emissions certified to Tier 3.

The CustomPaks are coupled to hydraulically-driven, large-volume submersible water pumps sourced by KTP from US company Moving Water Industries (MWI); KTP is the exclusive distributor in Thailand for these MWI Hydroflo pumps.

Prior to Cummins’ involvement, KTP was using another diesel engine brand but service support wasn’t up to the standard required.

Long-serving KTP engineer Kittisak Thanasoot says Cummins DKSH’s reputation for technical and aftersales support along with the reliability of the Cummins product were a key reason behind KTP’s decision to specify the CustomPaks for the Royal Irrigation Department.

The ability of Cummins DKSH to respond to short delivery times was also important.

“Supplying large quantities of high horsepower diesel engines for emergency situations such as flash flooding can be a challenge for KTP,” says Kittisak Thanasoot.

“Responding to the needs of the government agencies to manage such problems in a timely manner and with least impact on communities, KTP has found the answer in our partnership with Cummins DKSH.”


Los Custompaks de Cummins se utilizan para la gestión del agua mientras Tailandia lucha con su crisis de agua

CustomPak in situ

Water crisis

Sixty Cummins Inc. CustomPaks are in service in Thailand as part of a critical water management plan aimed at easing the country’s water crisis – a crisis that has caused enormous economic and social damage and stirred conflict among communities.

En las últimas décadas, Tailandia ha enfrentado continuamente problemas de agua causados por una grave sequía. Water reserves in dams and reservoirs are insufficient while water resources are often contaminated with toxins caused by urban communities and the industrial and agricultural sectors.

Severe flooding is a threat, too, at a time when the realities of climate change are hanging over the country.

As a result, the allocation of precious water resources, which must be shared among various stakeholders including new and existing industry, large and small agriculture, and cities and villages has become a flashpoint.

Kittithanapat Engineering Co. (KTP), has been involved in the water management system since 1996, working closely with authorities such as the Royal Irrigation Department, Department of Water Resources, Bangkok Metropolitan Authority and others.

CustomPaks on site

600 hp CustomPaks

To help KTP meet its often urgent requirements, Cummins DKSH (Thailand) has recently supplied 60 Australian-built CustomPaks - 45 powered by Cummins' X15 engine rated at 600 hp, and 15 powered by the QSL9 rated at 325 hp. These fully self-contained powerpacks are emissions certified to Tier 3.

The CustomPaks are coupled to hydraulically-driven, large-volume submersible water pumps sourced by KTP from US company Moving Water Industries (MWI); KTP is the exclusive distributor in Thailand for these MWI Hydroflo pumps.

Prior to Cummins’ involvement, KTP was using another diesel engine brand but service support wasn’t up to the standard required.

Long-serving KTP engineer Kittisak Thanasoot says Cummins DKSH’s reputation for technical and aftersales support along with the reliability of the Cummins product were a key reason behind KTP’s decision to specify the CustomPaks for the Royal Irrigation Department.

The ability of Cummins DKSH to respond to short delivery times was also important.

“Supplying large quantities of high horsepower diesel engines for emergency situations such as flash flooding can be a challenge for KTP,” says Kittisak Thanasoot.

“Responding to the needs of the government agencies to manage such problems in a timely manner and with least impact on communities, KTP has found the answer in our partnership with Cummins DKSH.”

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