Agriculture Case Studies

Cummins in Action

Independent farmers and commercial growers around the world rely on Cummins engines and generators. Whether you're harvesting a few acres or maintaining a corporate greenhouse, Cummins has you covered

Click on the articles below to read some of our agriculture customers' success stories.

agriculture equipment in a field
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Australia's only cotton seed supplier, Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD) has partnered with the CSIRO for a number of years developing improved cotton varieties for the domestic and international markets. Australian cotton is considered the best in the world for quality and yield. In fact, Australian growers using CSD-CSIRO varieties enjoy yields three times the world average and more than twice that of the US, which is Australia's nearest competitor.
Cummins has played a key role in the installation of a new emergency power system at one of Australia’s time-honoured medical institutions, Austin Hospital in Melbourne.
Australia's largest cattle carrier, Road Trains of Australia The vision of roadtrains punching through the great emptiness, plumes of dust marking their progress, will forever remain a trademark of Road Trains of Australia (RTA). Australia's largest cattle carrier, RTA is a legendary brand, thanks in no small way to its founder Noel Buntine, a pioneer of roadtrain cattle operations in the Top End.
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