Shape the future of energy.
Grow professionally with energy insights.

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You already have the experience in today's energy industry, and we will be on your side with the latest and most relevant insights on tomorrow's technologies, so you can strengthen your status as the energy expert others look up to.

Energy IQ covers technologies and trends in energy markets

  • Latest in energy trends including microgrids, stationary storage technologies, batteries, renewable resources and generators.

  • Tailored for for everyone from business executives to everyday consumers interested to stay current with the latest energy trends.



  • Find answers to your common microgrid questions: What is a microgrid? How does a microgrid work? Why do we need microgrids?

  • Read about advantages and types of microgrids. Understand how microgrids integrate with traditional grids.  Review examples and case studies of facilities with microgrids. 



  • Learn what is distributed generation and how distributed generation complements the traditional grid. 

  • Find insights on distributed energy resources, microgrids and the role of decentralized energy in our electricity infrastructure.



  • Read about how energy storage solutions complement renewable energy sources and thermal energy plants.

  • Learn how energy storage systems work, what energy storage is used for and components such as batteries, inverters and control systems.



  • Learn what is a fuel cell, how solid oxide fuel cells work and advantages of different types of fuel cells.

  • Benefits of fuel cells in different applications and industries where solid oxide fuel cells are used today and in the future.



  • Get insightful on energy and electricity use in healthcare facilities ranging from hospitals to medical offices.

  • Microgrids and energy storage to renewables and backup power generators, insights on electrical solutions for professionals serving healthcare industry.



  • Read electricity and power insights associated with data center industry's energy consumption.

  • Learn the advantages of technologies ranging from fuel cells and microgrids to backup power generators and renewable sources.



  • Energy consultants are the thought leaders for businesses seeking to optimize their energy management.

  • Read insights on microgrids, energy storage technologies, batteries, renewable resources and backup power generators.



  • Energy, electricity and backup power generation insights for facility management professionals. 

  • Benefits of microgrids, decentralized energy resources and intelligent controls that can help facility management teams conserve energy and save money. 



  • Utility industry professionals shape the future of our electricity infrastructure by making choices on energy and power technologies.

  • Read insights ranging from the role of technologies within an on-going energy transition and power system flexibility to regulations.



Cogeneration and Trigeneration

  • Read what is cogeneration and trigeneration. Get insights on facilities that benefit the most from cogeneration and trigeneration.

  • Advantages of cogeneration and trigeneration and how microgrids could feature cogeneration.



Be the hero during this energy transformation.

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88% of businesses view energy procurement as an opportunity to create new value, improve resiliency and reduce risk.

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You can combine today's experience with tomorrow's technologies to be the energy hero businesses need during this energy transformation.

Consume the relevant insights delivered by Energy IQ to expand your energy expertise and delight your customer and stakeholders.

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