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Accounts Payable

Find the information you need here for working with our Accounts Payable team.

How to Work with Accounts Payable

Información obligatoria

All invoices must contain a valid PO number, packing slip/waybill, ship-to location, remit-to address and currency. Invoices with missing or invalid information will be rejected and delay payment.


Payment Inquiries

For invoice and payment inquiries, email [email protected] and follow these steps:

  • For payment inquiries always submit a copy of the invoice and signed proof of delivery
  • Only submit invoice inquires for invoices that are PAST DUE
  • Requests which do not require invoice copies:
    • Remittance detail
    • Copies of debit memos


To Submit Invoices

  • When submitting invoices by email, choose only one address based on the ship-to location. Do not send an invoice to multiple email addresses. Submit invoices in PDF format only, with only one invoice per PDF; other file types and zip files of invoices will be rejected.
  • Please only submit an invoice ONCE, unless there is a new PO number being referenced the second time. All duplicate invoices are automatically deleted.


Please email invoices to the following locations:


ERS/EDI Suppliers

  • Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) must be submitted to the plant. If the ASN is not provided, there will be errors in invoicing and delays in payment.
  • Do not submit any invoice copies as they are not required.
  • To become an EDI supplier and for troubleshooting, email [email protected].


Useful Contact Information and Links


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