Ethics Violations, Investigations and Reporting

Any effective governance and ethics program must have a mechanism to ensure ethical codes are enforced.

Employees at all levels of Cummins are reminded that they have an obligation to report suspected violations of Cummins’ Code of Business Conduct. They can do this in a number of ways, including telling a supervisor, reporting it online at or by calling the Cummins Ethics Help Line. All reports are investigated and violations at any level of the Company are acted on swiftly and appropriately. The Company also ensures that an employee’s career will never be negatively affected by reporting suspected code violations made in good faith. Where permitted by local law, employees can report potential violations anonymously.


Cummins ethics helpline numbers

Brazil - 0800-8911667

China - 10-800-120-1239 or 10-800-712-1239

India - 000-800-100-1071 or 000-800-001-6112

Mexico - 8008801709

United Kingdom - 0800-032-8483

United States - 1-800-671-9600

Additional numbers by country can be found at

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