Engineering presents the most rewarding puzzles

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“Engineering is like looking for patterns of information and making sense out of them—like a giant puzzle,” says Jessica.

Jessica began her career with Cummins Inc. as an intern in 1997 and has been going strong ever since. Whether she is piecing together a complex engineering challenge, or uniting a team around a shared goal, she has a talent for understanding how things fit together. Today, Jessica works within the Product Compliance and Regulatory Affairs (PCRA) group as Director of Technical Compliance and Certification on the Global Functional Excellence Team.

Jessica knew Cummins was a special place from the moment she started at the company. She had studied engineering in college, but says, "I didn't know a lot about engines or about our products [yet].

But people were always willing to stop and answer questions; if they didn't know the answer, they would find someone who did. I did internships in other companies, and it wasn't like that." Jessica took advantage of mentoring opportunities, and, today, she does some mentoring herself. 

Jessica loves working in a supportive environment where there are "no silly questions," only "engineers helping other engineers solve problems." She has actively built her leadership skills, taking advantage of Cummins' robust training programs, even becoming a Six Sigma Black Belt.

Leading a team of 50 people, Jessica takes inspiration from those who helped her in the beginning, to now guide the careers of others. Her team works on global knowledge related to regulations of government agencies. It's an ongoing learning process to keep up with ever-changing regulations. In keeping with Cummins' environmental goals, they make sure everything they do leads to a cleaner, safer and healthier environment.

To achieve these objectives, Jessica emphasizes the importance of diverse ideas, accountability and teamwork. "I need to understand the technical detail," says Jessica. "But I really like watching people grow and develop and seeing them succeed or learn from mistakes." Like Cummins overall culture, she is dedicated to team building. She focuses on helping colleagues get to know each other on various levels, both inside and outside of work. Building relationships, she says, builds trust so that people value each other's opinions when they work together.

Their team-building activities range from educational, like training activities, to recreational, such as scavenger hunts, to charitable. As an example of the latter, one group used their engineering skills alongside physical labor to build playground equipment for a domestic violence shelter. They were able to put their skills into giving back, while also spending time together and bonding.

Apart from encouraging the careers of others, Jessica's proudest accomplishment with Cummins was working on a new engine program that spanned three continents. It involved building prototypes in the U.S., testing in Europe and manufacturing in China. In fact, this was the first Cummins product made in a Chinese plant to be shipped outside of China.

Jessica successfully built a team across those regions, collaborating across time zones and traveling often. She recalls: "even though we had challenges across languages and cultures, we built the team to work together really well." They met their time frame and launched on schedule.

Regardless of whatever new project arises next on Jessica's career path, her two loves remain constant: engineering and problem-solving as a team. Jessica shares: "One of my mentors said you want to do what gets you out of bed in the morning and excited to come to work. For me, that usually happens when I'm working on difficult engineering projects. We ask if what we've tried is working or whether we need to brainstorm something new. It takes creativity to figure out what to do next. This is a great company. We do a lot of innovation in engineering, but, more importantly, we have a strong value system."

Cummins Office Building

Cummins Inc.

Cummins, a global power technology leader, is a corporation of complementary business segments that design, manufacture, distribute and service a broad portfolio of power solutions. The company's products range from internal combustion, electric and hybrid integrated power solutions and components including filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers, fuel systems, controls systems, air handling systems, automated transmissions, electric power generation systems, microgrid controls, batteries, electrolyzers and fuel cell products.

Supporting Indigenous communities

Cummins announces commitment to Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Program

Cummins announces commitment to Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Program

Cummins Inc. delivers superior solutions for its customers to power their communities and the world. It does that with the company's steadfast commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion - winning with the power of difference. 

In honor of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and as part of Cummins’ objective to create positive and meaningful relations with Indigenous businesses and communities in the region, Cummins is proud to announce it is now at the “Committed” level of the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Program.

Shashiraj Shanbhag, Vice President, Product & Service Management - Canada, and leader of the Canada Indigenous Relations initiative at Cummins: "We have been doing a great deal of work specific to Indigenous communities in Canada for several years. Since recently joining the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business Partnership Accreditation in Indigenous Relations Program at the Committed Level, the program will provide Cummins with external validation to all the work our employees have been doing and additional opportunities to do even more. The PAIR certification is an excellent opportunity for us to measure and strengthen our work in deepening relations with Indigenous communities throughout Canada."

The work of PAIR

Established by the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business, the PAIR Program is a rigorous, independent third-party certification program for corporate performance in Indigenous relations. The process evaluates measurable outcomes and initiatives in four performance areas: Leadership Actions, Employment, Business Development and Community Relations.

Since its inception in 2001, PAIR has maintained its position as the foremost corporate social responsibility program, with a distinct focus on Indigenous relations. PAIR's certification program instills a strong sense of confidence in communities due to its foundation on independent third-party validation of company reports, and the ultimate company rating is decided by a panel of Indigenous business professionals. As a PAIR committed company, Cummins will undergo the process of external verification and work collectively with the CCIB and Indigenous stakeholders toward the long-term goal of achieving Gold Certification.

The work of Cummins Canada

Cummins' commitment to PAIR is another step on the company's journey to building a diverse global culture, which includes expanding its relations with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and around the world. As part of this journey, Cummins and its employees located in Canada have taken the following steps:

  • Established an Indigenous Relations team with about 15 active volunteers across Canada
  • 1400+ employees in Canada have completed Indigenous Awareness Training
  • Supported initiatives for Indigenous communities in areas of Education and Equity with more than USD 100,000 of funding from Cummins Grant

As a global organization amongst a diverse and growing group of companies from across Canada that share a commitment to the Indigenous community, Cummins Canada continues to develop relationships with Indigenous peoples across the country and seeks ongoing ways to support the communities in which it lives and works. In its commitment to fostering positive change, Cummins also looks inward, engaging its own employees in initiatives that promote understanding, respect and collaboration with Indigenous peoples. 

To learn more about Cummins’ ongoing commitment to not only Indigenous communities but to the many communities employees live and serve throughout the world, please visit

Cummins Office Building

Cummins Inc.

Cummins, a global power technology leader, is a corporation of complementary business segments that design, manufacture, distribute and service a broad portfolio of power solutions. The company's products range from internal combustion, electric and hybrid integrated power solutions and components including filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers, fuel systems, controls systems, air handling systems, automated transmissions, electric power generation systems, microgrid controls, batteries, electrolyzers and fuel cell products.

Natuurpunt and Cummins Collaborate to Re-Wet Mechelen's Nature Reserves on World Water Day 2024

Natuurpunt and Cummins Collaborate to Re-Wet Mechelen's Nature Reserves on World Water Day 2024

On World Water Day 2024, Natuurpunt and Cummins launched their collaboration on the rewetting of the Mechels Broek and Den Battelaer nature reserves in Mechelen, Belgium.

Over the next two years, efforts will be made to retain water in the nature reserves by, among other things, the use of solar-powered water pumps.

The plans are part of the European LIFE project Wetlands4Cities, within which multiple partners are committed to making nature around cities climate-proof. The Cummins partnership will support the Wetland Plan that Natuurpunt presented in early 2024. Around Mechelen, Natuurpunt aims to restore 345 hectares of wetland within the framework of the Rivierenland Nature Park. Cummins is investing in the project to support biodiversity and carbon capture.

Lander Wantens, project officer at Wetlands4Cities said: "The Den Battelaer and Mechels Broek nature reserves are located at the intersection of the Dyle, Nete and Zenne rivers and are historic flood plains. By buffering extra water here, the region can be relieved at critical moments. Based on an ecohydrological study, we are going to place small weirs on some canals that will allow more water to be retained and thus also to combat drought. There is also already a solar-powered pump that ensures that excess water from the Dyle can flow into the area. Additionally, one more will be added in the long term to combat the acidification of the soil."

Visitor experience and education capabilities have also been enhanced by this Cummins supported project, with plans for the creation of a unique hide at the nature reserves, allowing people to look underwater. In time, there will also be a footpath created on-site.

Antonio Leitao, Vice President of the Europe Area Business Organisation at Cummins, said: "With the Cummins Water Works (CWW) project, we are working with experts to create projects that will improve water quality, water quantity and access to water around the world. For example, by 2030, we aim to offset Cummins' annual water consumption in all regions. To this end, we work together with Natuurpunt, which has the expertise and volunteers to restore local water systems and support the development of environmental education about water. This project will help us achieve our goal of making the European region net water positive by 2030, in line with our overall mission to make people's lives better by creating a more prosperous world."

Alderman Patrick Princen, chairman of the Rivierenland Nature Park, said: "Since 2019, the area coalition behind Rivierenland Nature Park has created more than 225 hectares of new nature. We are very proud of that, but this wonderful result would never have been possible without the support of the members of the area coalition, countless donors and sponsors. The contribution of Cummins is therefore substantial and makes it possible to take major steps forward in terms of nature restoration and nature experience. Nature design is often seen as a cost item, but it is now clear that this yields ten times the economic return and the benefit of experiencing nature at its best. It is an investment that will help the city of Mechelen in the future to reinforce our environment and give nature restoration every chance."

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