Cummins Home Generator protects California homeowner’s horse ranch from the unexpected

Woman living in rural California trusts her Cummins home generator to keep her home and her horses safe from power outages in the face of any weather event or planned blackout.  

A California resident that worked in the technology business and lived in the San Francisco (USA) Bay area is a familiar story. But one that is a little more unusual, is the female tech guru that left the coast to settle her roots on a 13-acre horse ranch in the more remote area of Pilot Hill, California (USA). Meet Lory Hopkins, a west coast homeowner living the dream.

Hopkins is a businesswoman whose property sits on the top of a hill overlooking beautiful rolling terrain and local vineyards just outside of Sacramento. There is no doubt that the landscape is stunning but living in a rural area comes with its challenges. 

In the last couple of years, power outages in California have increased at an alarming rate. Power companies are pausing their services with little to no warning when extreme temperatures and high winds arise. Residents have been left without power for up to eight days at a time. 

On Hopkins' property, extended time without electricity and water is a hazard for her home and for her five horses. Depending on two water wells for hydration, it is necessary to have power supporting human and equine life essentials. In addition to water access, she has an electric gate that requires power to enter and exit areas of her property. 

In need of a dependable solution, Hopkins was connected with a family friend that owned Day Electric, a home generator provider in California. Learning more about what a generator could do for her 2850 square foot residence, Hopkins was encouraged to support her ranch with a Cummins home generator. 

After a free in-home assessment was completed on her property, Day Electric encouraged Hopkins to invest in a 30kW generator to protect all of her home essentials. Install went smooth and the unit was up and running in a weekend's time. 

For the first few months, no power outages occurred but Hopkins listened for her generator to self-exercise every week. Once the planned blackouts began to happen, Hopkins said "It's the best money I've ever spent." She said, "Sometimes I don't even know that I have lost power."

Quote from Lory Hopkins

Describing her experiences, Hopkins stated that last year she had a power outage that lasted over a week. The generator kicks on with maybe a three second delay and it will run all day. She said, "It has been seamless." 

Now living with a dependable power solution for her home, Hopkins is confident in the safety of her horses and her uninterrupted access to electricity. In preparation for wildfire season and other natural disasters in her area, Hopkins mentioned that many of her neighbors are also investing in whole house generators. 

If you’re in the market for power you can count on, trust Cummins home generators to support your peace of mind. 

Katie Yoder - Cummins Inc.

Katie Yoder

Katie Yoder is a Marketing Communications Specialist. She joined Cummins in 2018 as a member of the trade show operations team, but now supports the Marine and Oil & Gas segments' marketing initiatives. As a University of Wisconsin alumna, Katie spends her free time watching Badger sports.

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