Manager Ready Simulation-Based Leadership Assessment

Prepare frontline leaders faster

High performers often seem like the best candidates for leadership roles. But the jump to leadership is often overwhelming. And if it's a bad fit, you could end up losing both the manager and several of their team members. But a simulation-based leadership assessment can help.

DDI's award-winning Manager Ready® assessment is a realistic simulation of a manager's role. Your leaders are quickly immersed in the job and challenges. It's up to them to show how they'd really react on the job.

The result? Deeper data. Better leadership choices. Personalized development. And a more engaged frontline.

Download an overview of Manager Ready


Candidates scoring in the top 75% on the Manager Ready® assessment are 7X more likely to excel on the job than those scoring in the bottom.

DDI assessment data

Immersive Development Experience

Constant emails chiming in their inbox. Difficult conversations with team members. Frequent requests to prioritize work.

With DDI's simulation-based leadership assessment, your leaders are thrown into the action of a manager's role. Within a few minutes, they're deeply immersed in a job. And when they emerge, they get the objective data and feedback they need to understand their true capabilities. 

Afterward, you'll both know if a manager role is right for them. And if it is, you'll know exactly what they need to work on to excel as a leader.

It's been fascinating seeing employees come out of the experience feeling like 'That was really cool!' It was an experience in itself - and that's before they even get the results.

— Kayla Campbell, Senior Director Performance and Learning

Personalized Development

Armed with in-depth insights, and an option to work with a personal coach, every manager will know what they need to work on to improve. And they know what strengths they can rely on to excel.

Manager Ready measures up to 15 competencies. It's up to you if you want to do the full set, or pick the most important for your organization.

Every competency we measure is broken down into a detailed rating on key actions. So your leaders know exactly what skills they need to develop. More importantly, their own managers will know what behaviors to look for to help them improve.


of frontline leaders feel unprepared for the role

DDI, The Frontline Leader Project

Powerful and Actionable Data for Better Decisions

The highest performer on the team doesn't necessarily make the best leader. Nor is it a good idea to make promotion decisions based only on the supervisor's gut feeling about who has leadership potential.

DDI's Manager Ready can help you make accurate and unbiased selection decisions. With data in hand, you'll have objective view of who the best candidate is. More importantly, you'll know how to help them develop.

And when you gather that kind of data across all your managers? You'll have a clear view of the strengths and vulnerabilities of your leaders. That way, you spot trends and measure your culture.

Assess and Develop Leaders Around the World

You can use Manager Ready for just a few leaders. Or you can scale it across your entire manager population.

The simulation-based leadership assessment is available in 12 languages. So for multinational companies, it's an opportunity to evaluate leaders worldwide using consistent criteria.

We found a great tool that was predictive not only of who could ultimately get a role, but then what do they need from a development point of view...

Tim Toterhi, Senior Director, Global Organizational Development, Quintiles