Four leaders sitting in chairs in a row wearing suits. In front of them is a grid with data to represent the results of the leadership simulations they experienced.

Client Story

How Pernod Ricard Used Leadership Simulations to Reduce Bias and Accelerate Development

Learn how Pernod Ricard used DDI's leadership simulations to bring data into their leadership strategy. The result? Less bias, and better development.

Read Time: 5 min

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The Need

Leaders needed objective data to help them make objective promotion decisions. Also, they needed more personalized development.

The Solution

Pernod Ricard used DDI’s leadership simulations Manager Ready and Leader3 Ready to make better selection decisions and personalize development.

The Result

They reduced bias in selection and saw better quality hires. Furthermore, the company saw reduced turnover, improved development, and an increase in engagement scores.

Pernod Ricard - the company behind many of the world's best-known liquor brands - faced two common issues with their leaders. First, managers didn't have any data to help them make objective decisions in their leadership selection process. As a result, managers had to rely on their own gut feelings about who was the right fit for the job, which enabled bias to enter the process.

Second, they didn’t have data to focus their leadership development plans, which left leaders guessing about where to focus.

To become more objective, Pernod Ricard decided to use leadership assessments. They decided to use DDI’s leadership simulations, Manager Ready and Leader3 Ready. DDI was by their side to make the assessments a deeply positive experience for leaders, as well as deliver in-depth data. And the results have been clear: Better data. Better leaders.

Learn more about DDI's leadership assessments.