DDI Leadership Habit Builder
DDI Leadership Habit Builder

Seminarios Web

Transform New Skills into Leadership Habits

On-demand Webinar: Learn about DDI’s Leadership Habit Builder, a unique approach to transform new skills into everyday habits through the power of continuous feedback.

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

What's the missing link to accelerate leadership development? How can we sustain learning and create ongoing development? Are leaders really applying new skills and getting better on the job? What's the best way to measure behavior change? If you've asked any of these questions and are still searching for answers, you won't want to miss this webinar.

We're excited to introduce Leadership Habit Builder, a unique approach to transform new skills into everyday habits through the power of continuous feedback. Available exclusively as an additional service to DDI's leadership development subscription, Leadership Habit Builder is a game-changer to help you reinforce learning and drive behavior change with real-time data.

This webinar will explore and showcase how: 

  • Continuous feedback boosts learning and makes development a way of work. 
  • Organizations are using Leadership Habit Builder for their leadership programs. 
  • Real-time data and dynamic dashboards guide individual and group development plans. 
  • An easy and engaging process works for leaders, feedback providers, and HR teams.