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Seminarios Web

Practice Makes Better Leaders: How Leadership Practice Tools Make an Impact

Discover different approaches to practice and their unique benefits to leaders and how to maximize time, effort, and output when practicing skills.

Watch Time: 60 min

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Practice is one of the most overlooked aspects in developing leaders. Leaders don't get enough opportunities to practice skills and often feel unprepared for tough conversations or difficult situations. While everyone-HR, leaders themselves, senior executives-nods their heads to the importance of practice, too often their efforts end there. Why? Because practice is hard. Especially today, when so much learning is self-directed. 

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​There are so many ways to approach practice and so many ways it can go wrong. Deliberate practice-the kind that drives behavior change-requires planning, time, and commitment. It also requires a safe environment where leaders can demonstrate their strengths and expose their weaknesses. But it's worth the effort. After all, the actions of leaders speak louder than words. ​In this webinar, we explore: 

  • The common barriers to practice and application 
  • Different approaches to practice and their unique benefits to leaders 
  • How to maximize time, effort, and output when practicing skills 
  • Examples of DDI’s practice tools and how organizations use them 


Janice Burns

Janice Burns

Product Manager, DDI

Sage Krombolz

Sage Krombolz

Product Manager, DDI

Topics covered in this webinar