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Seminarios Web

Sustain Leadership Growth: Make Development a Way of Work

On-demand Webinar: In part three of our leadership development series, we discuss how development can transform leadership skills into habits and leveraging the right assessment data to fuel your leadership strategy.

Watch Time: 60 min

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/ Recursos / Seminarios Web / Sustain Leadership Growth: Make Development a Way of Work

On-Demand Webinar

Leadership doesn't stand still. Your leaders must learn and develop on an ongoing basis, with the right mix of self-directed experiences and peer engagement.

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In part three of our Leadership Development Webinar Series, our experts discuss:

  • How development can transform leadership skills into habits. 
  • What's needed to sustain and accelerate development experiences. 
  • How to leverage the right assessment data to fuel your leadership strategy 


Matt Paese

Matt Paese, Ph.D.

SVP, Leadership Insights, DDI

Neera Shukla

Neera Shukla

Senior Consultant, DDI

Topics covered in this webinar