a ladder projecting the shadow of a bigger ladder
a ladder projecting the shadow of a bigger ladder

Seminarios Web

High-Potential Leadership Series: Accelerating Frontline to Mid-Level Leaders

On-demand Webinar: In part two of our high-potential leadership series, we explore how to accelerate high-potential talent among your frontline leaders.

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

Only 40% of mid-level leadership roles can be filled internally, according to a survey of more than 2,500 HR leaders. As companies look to fill the other 60%, they need to be focused on accelerating their high-potential frontline leaders as soon as possible.

In part two of our high-potential leadership series, we explore how to accelerate high-potential talent among your frontline leaders. We’ll cover how to:

  • Identify frontline leaders who have potential for higher levels of leadership.
  • Use the right assessments for the correct purposes.
  • Create acceleration pools to ensure leaders are preparing for their next moves.
  • Ensure that your high-potential leaders are ready for the specific business challenges facing your company.