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woman at table with hands folded

Seminarios Web

How Leaders Keep Employees Engaged: Empathy and EQ Will Make the Difference

On-demand Webinar: Find out how to keep your leaders engaged and ready to rally their teams to move forward.

Watch Time: 60 min

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/ Recursos / Seminarios Web / How Leaders Keep Employees Engaged: Empathy and EQ Will Make the Difference

On-Demand Webinar

Everyone knows that leaders are the biggest driver to improve employee engagement. In times of disruption, leaders need to maintain morale and focus. When companies are faced with a crisis, it's even more critical for leaders to engage their teams-especially when they are anxious and overwhelmed, and exhausted from the realities of downsizing and additional workload to take on. Engaging teams is difficult enough-and now leaders can only connect with employees virtually. How can leaders maintain focus and energy to emerge stronger on the other side of this crisis?

And while all the buzz is on the employee experience, organizations are at risk of overlooking the need to engage leaders, too. How can leaders engage employees if they themselves are disengaged? How can you make sure that leaders feel closely connected with the purpose and vision of the organization, and feel ready to rally their teams to move forward?

In this on-demand webinar, we will explore perspectives and DDI's solutions on:

  • What leaders can do to engage their teams—right now and in the next normal
  • Why empathy and EQ are essential skills for all levels of leaders
  • Common pitfalls that can derail leaders and disengage others