a woman wearing a green dress and red cape, standing on a tiered platform
a woman wearing a green dress and red cape, standing on a tiered platform

Seminarios Web

Unsung Heroes: High-Impact Development for Middle Managers

Reimagine your mid-level leadership development strategy as we share an overview of Impact Sessions, DDI’s latest leadership development courses for mid-level leaders.

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

All the trouble and none of the glory-a phrase often used to describe mid-level leader roles. These leaders aren't just undervalued and underutilized but underdeveloped too. So, how can you meet their unique development needs with experiences that are valuable, authentic, and relevant?

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This webinar introduces our new series of Impact Sessions: you can develop leaders of leaders with focused skills, deep insights, and peer learning—in 2 hours or less!​ Reimagine your mid-level leadership development strategy as we:​

  • Explore the real value leaders of leaders bring to organizations​ 
  • Highlight research on the unique needs of this group, including learning preferences and the most crucial areas for development. ​
  • Share an overview of Impact Sessions, DDI’s latest leadership development courses for mid-level leaders, featuring Leadership Personality Insights that provide deep personalization. ​


Lisa Rectenwald

Lisa Rectenwald

Product Manager, DDI

Betsy Breitenbach

Betsy Breitenbach

Sr. Product Manager, DDI