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Inclusive Leadership copy with people looking up

Seminarios Web

Great Leadership Is Inclusive Leadership

On-demand Webinar: Learn about the courses and tools in DDI’s Inclusive Leadership Series. 

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

These days, few leaders struggle to grasp the importance and benefits of creating an inclusive team culture. Many leaders, however, do struggle to act consistently in ways that will create inclusion and psychological safety in their teams. What gets in the way?

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Inclusion can't be an "extra" thing leaders have to worry about. Rather, it has to be woven into the everyday actions that leaders are already taking. At DDI, we believe that great leadership is inclusive leadership. And we'll be by your side every step of the way to help leaders turn intention into action. Watch this webinar as we explore perspectives and solutions to drive your D&I strategy through leadership development. Our resident D&I expert Sage Krombolz shares: 

  • How to move from awareness to allyship with key leadership skills to drive inclusion. 
  • An overview of the courses and tools in DDI’s Inclusive Leadership Series. 
  • How organizations have used our award-winning and flexible content to develop inclusive leaders.


Sage Krombolz

Sage Krombolz

Team Leader, Product Management, DDI