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Seminarios Web

From Managers to Exceptional Leaders: Developing Your Frontline Leaders

On-demand Webinar: Take a deep dive into DDI's leadership development program, Interaction Management®.

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

The success of a leadership development program depends on how leaders change afterward. Do they act differently? Do they have better conversations? Are their teams more engaged and productive?

DDI’s Interaction Management® is a leadership development program built on science and measurement. And it’s proven to help managers think, act, and lead differently on the job.

Over five decades, we've trained millions of leaders in Interaction Management. And we've got the data to show that leaders not only transform themselves, but their teams and their companies' bottom line. Because better leaders create a better future.

In this on-demand webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into Interaction Management and explore:

  • Design principles and why it works.
  • How you can flex and personalize for your leaders.
  • Certification and delivery options.