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Seminarios Web

Do Better Together: How Leaders Can Support Social Change and Inclusion

On-demand Webinar: Learn how to navigate the difficult conversations and explore possible solutions that can help you create a more inclusive workplace.

Watch Time: 62 min

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/ Recursos / Seminarios Web / Do Better Together: How Leaders Can Support Social Change and Inclusion

On-Demand Webinar

How can we make sure this time is different? It's the question many are asking as we continue to struggle with systemic racism. For leaders, it may seem uncomfortable to discuss this sensitive topic at work, yet it's constantly on the minds of their teams, especially those who are minorities. They cannot pretend that what's happening in the world isn't affecting their work life, too.

Right now, the most significant act of leadership is showing empathy. It will not erase what has happened, nor fix the future. But in this moment, recognizing the pain and standing together is the single most critical act of leadership. Yet empathy is only lip-service if it's not followed by action. Every person has a role to play in stepping up to lead as we take the next steps forward.>

DDI is committed to the fight for justice, inclusion, and equality. We aim to be a positive force for empathy, enlightenment, and real change. Join us for this on-demand webinar to help you navigate the difficult conversations and explore possible solutions that can make a difference.

In this on-demand webinar, we will explore

  • How authenticity and empathy can create moments of connection and understanding
  • Why it’s so critical for leaders to really listen to what people who face systemic racism are saying—and how to have open and honest conversations at work (without needing to have the answers)
  • Ways you can follow through as leaders to create a more inclusive workplace

Topics covered in this webinar