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man and woman looking at papers

Seminarios Web

How to Develop Your Leaders for a More Inclusive Workplace

On-demand Webinar: We’ll discuss what inclusion means to your organization and how to develop inclusive behaviors with your leaders.

Watch Time: 60 min

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On-Demand Webinar

The business case for diversity and inclusion is even stronger with what is happening in our world today. But despite good intentions, many companies struggle to make progress or are now realizing that they don't have a good approach in place. An inclusive culture starts with leaders' actions. They need to practice involvement, coach and develop others, and value diverse perspectives. Also, they need to recognize exclusion and hold their fellow leaders accountable.

But in a recent study, only 31% of employees say that their leaders promote an inclusive team environment. DDI can help your leaders build foundational skills that set the tone for inclusion. Success depends on having a common understanding among all your leaders about what inclusion means in your organization and how they can lead inclusively. Our courses and tools, many of which are virtual, can support your workforce through this pandemic and beyond.

In this on-demand webinar, learn:

  • What actions your leaders can take now to promote racial equality and inclusion
  • How to develop inclusive behaviors with your leaders
  • How technology can help build empathy and support your D&I efforts