4 high-risk conversations
4 high-risk conversations

Seminarios Web

What Your Board Needs to Know: 4 High-Risk Succession Conversations You MUST Get Right

On-demand Webinar: Guide boards, CHROs, and executives in how to manage the critical conversations that power your C-suite succession plan.

Watch Time: 60 min

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/ Recursos / Seminarios Web / What Your Board Needs to Know: 4 High-Risk Succession Conversations You MUST Get Right

On-Demand Webinar

Did you know a single poor conversation can derail what would have otherwise been a flawless C-suite succession plan? From making a promising CEO candidate decide they don't want the job to leaving out a key stakeholder, these high-risk conversations leave little room for error. 

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In this on-demand webinar, Matt Paese, Senior Vice President of Executive Services, will guide boards, CHROs, and executives in how to manage the critical conversations that power your C-suite succession plan. You'll learn: 

  • A model for successful c-suite succession planning, and when to plan for four high-risk conversations within the model. 
  • How to prepare for and execute high-risk conversations with the right stakeholders, while avoiding the common pitfalls. 
  • Case studies on how to use these conversations to power a positive succession plan. 


Matt Paese

Matt Paese, Ph.D.

SVP Leadership Insights, DDI