Driving Innovation Forward
Open Telematics Framework

Cummins is joining forces with Microsoft and industry leaders to revolutionize telematics and the next generation of commercial vehicles. The Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle Project is building a cutting-edge framework that paves the way for the future of commercial vehicles.

Innovation takes courage

The Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle Project is shaping the future of transportation technology. By allowing for software to be created once and deployed across any number of telematics hardware, the Open Telematics Framework eliminates the complex reprogramming efforts that have historically burdened innovators.

Join us as we establish a cutting-edge framework for commercial vehicles, fueled by open-source software and a shared vision for the future.


Más información

Advancing Telematics With Secure Solutions for All


Commercial fleets

Enhance fleet efficiency with unified digital implementations.



Simplify OEM Integration with compatible application deployment.

Tier 1 Suppliers

Nivel 1

Accelerate deployments without rewriting for different platforms.

Telematics Service Providers

Telematics Service Providers

Enhance service portfolios with seamless third-party integration.

Developers move software forward. Why not make it easy for them?

0 % potential reduction in development costs

0 % potential reduction in development time

Cummins and Eclipse Logos
It takes a village to move a mountain.

Join the Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle Project and be part of a community of over 40 organizations dedicated to driving innovation and progress in the telematics landscape.


Take the first step towards driving innovation in the automotive industry. Fill out the form below and receive more information on how you can support the Software Defined Vehicle Project's groundbreaking initiatives.

Does your organization contribute to open source software?*
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