Leadership Consulting

By Your Side for Every Critical Moment

At DDI, leadership consulting looks a little different than what you may be used to. It's not about constantly upselling you on new products, or racking up high hourly rates. That's not our style. We're about one key thing: Trust. 

In our view, leadership consulting is about being by your side for every critical moment. We take the time to learn about your unique goals, culture, challenges, and stakeholders. Your success is our success. In short, we aim to be an extension of your team. 

We’re ready to walk by your side on this journey. 

Leadership 480SM Makes the Best Use of Time

We have yet to meet a client who isn’t incredibly busy. And usually, they’re juggling the demands of what needs to be done right now  with all of the other long-term planning they know they should  be doing. 

That's why we created Leadership 480. It's a leadership consulting framework that helps our clients balance what's urgent with what's important. And most significantly? It helps you and your leaders invest time in what matters most. 

Check out Leadership 480

“DDI is my strategic partner… what I appreciate is that every individual makes me feel like I’m the only one—that they are a friend, that they are somebody I can walk with.”

— Randall Gross, System Director, Talent Development, PeaceHealth

Ready to Take on Your Business Challenges

We see it all the time: Companies take on big business challenges, but overlook training their leaders to get it done. Our consultants have deep experience and expertise helping our clients getting their leaders ready to execute on big business plans. 

We're ready to take on anything you throw at us. Check out a few of the most common areas where we help our clients. Don't see your unique challenge listed? Come talk to us. We're ready to get creative. 

Explore leadership challenges 

Animation of several heads, with one head that has a DDI logo on it talking to show how DDI's leadership consulting team can certify your people to become facilitators?fm=webp&q=75

We Help Your Team Build Skills

Our consultants are always happy to deliver our programs, and there's no question that they do an incredible job. But a lot of our clients want to build the internal connection between their own people. 

And that's where we really add value. Our certification programs transform our clients into extraordinary facilitators and coaches. Our goal is to give you the top content and training you need to build your own internal programs.  

So don't think of us as just consultants. We're here to be your guides. 

Get certified 

See the Change in Your People, Head and Heart

We got into leadership consulting for one key reason: We love to see people grow. But achieving growth is so much more than just transferring knowledge. It takes a change of heart in how people think, act, and lead. 

Our job isn't done until we can see that there's been a real change in people. That's why we're intent on measuring results, and proving ROI to your stakeholders. But we know you want the numbers too to prove your own impact. Because when we can prove that we made a difference? That's when we know it's all been worth it. 

Start measuring

illustration of a heart filled with people icons to the left, and a gear to the right to show that people love partnering with DDI leadership consulting?fm=webp&q=75

We Get Along With Others

The #1 reason our clients love working with us? Our people. 

We know we're probably not the only consultants you're working with. You might have a long relationship with a local firm, or perhaps work with one of the massive international consulting firms. That's ok by us. 

Our focus is on leadership consulting. And we do it really well. But we know it's only one piece of the larger puzzle. So we're happy to work with you and your other consultants to build out the bigger picture. In our view, it's the best way to develop a people strategy that will deliver on your business strategy.