PROOF That DDI’s Leadership Development Pays Off


Research on the ROI of Leadership Development

This 2017 report is the world’s largest research study of its kind proving the ROI of leadership development.

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Proof That DDI’s Leadership Development Pays Off 

This report is the world's largest research study of its kind proving the ROI of leadership development. It includes studies and analyses on the success of DDI's Interaction Management® (IM®).  

Interaction Management® is leadership development that gives leaders the key people and leadership skills they need to be successful. IM® works through behavior modeling and by giving leaders the chance to practice their new skills. It has more than 30 courses and learning tools on topics such as coaching, empathy, developing others, managing performance, and more. And, it's proven to improve your leaders in an observable and measurable way. 

40+ Years of Research on the Impact of DDI’s Interaction Management® 

The evidence in this report includes 186 studies over the course of 40+ years. It also spans 18,000 leaders and 12,000 of their observers across 44 countries and 8 major industries.  

This research is proof on the ROI of leadership development. It shows how IM® positively impacts your leaders, their teams, and your company. 

What Sets DDI’s Interaction Management® Apart 

Not all leadership development efforts are created equal. And, there's a big difference between leadership development that shows results and development that doesn't. For example, this research shows that: 

  • 81% of direct reports whose leader attended IM® reported increased engagement. 
  • 8.5 of out 10 organizations report that DDI solutions lead to measurable change. 
  • 77% of organizations report decreased turnover. 

Research on the ROI of Leadership Development
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