Manage a Successful Leadership Development Program

Ultimate Guide to Leadership Development

Don’t Leave Implementation to Chance

"I don't know what happened-I had the perfect plan!" It's a lament we've heard often from HR. They've done a tremendous job creating a powerful leadership development program. But then there's a snag in implementation, and the whole thing falls flat. In this section, we'll cover some of the best practices for implementing a successful leadership development program.

With each of these best practices, you take a better step to ensure that your leaders not only commit to their development, but practice their skills on the job.

two cartoon people rolling two different balls up a hill - one of the balls is jagged and harder to roll, while the other ball is smooth and easy to roll, written to the right of it: “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” credit of Marketing specialist, author, and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki

Measure Results

Start thinking about results first, not after the fact. From day one, form a plan to gather data and track progress along the way so you can look back and celebrate results.

Gain Stakeholder Engagement

Who do you need to engage and influence? What level of commitment do you need? Engage your key stakeholders to influence, support, or accelerate your leadership initiatives.

Create a Communication Strategy

It's not just about getting information out. With a creative and thought-out plan, you can make sure everyone is excited and ready to be part of your program's success.

Secure Manager Support

Having support from the managers of your learners can make all the difference. Explore ways for managers to model commitment and reinforce development.

Kick Off Your Program

It's finally time to kick things off! Build excitement and commitment from all your stakeholders as you launch in four key steps.