wheat ready for harvesting

Client Story

How AGCO Found Career Management Success

Featuring Lauri Lipka, Vice President, Global Human Resources, on how DDI supported AGCO’s successful career management initiative.

Read Time: 5 min

/ Recursos / Client Stories / How AGCO Found Career Management Success

The Need

Employees lacked awareness of and clarity around career opportunities within the organization—a potential retention risk!

The Solution

A program that raised awareness about opportunities, revamped the Success Profiles for various positions, and provided career management training.

The Result

All employees benefited from tools to manage their career at AGCO.

At AGCO, a global leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of agricultural solutions, engagement surveys and focus groups revealed that employees couldn’t clearly see career opportunities within the company.

Before that perception became an employee retention problem, AGCO launched a career management initiative. In this video, Lauri Lipka discusses the challenges AGCO faced, the solution it put in place, and how DDI was by their side to help drive success.

Learn more about Success Profiles®

See how Targeted Selection® can help your organization make better hiring decisions.

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