DDI in the Community

Our associates make a difference

DDI is proud to be a leader in the leadership development industry. But what we're most proud of is our commitment to sparking positive changes in the communities where we are located.

We strive to make a difference in two major ways. First, DDI and our associates support a wide variety of worthy charitable organizations through donations of time and money. Second, we work diligently to ensure that we are responsible world citizens by seeking out and implementing processes that reduce our carbon footprint.

To us it’s simple: take only what we need and give back all that we can.


All hands caring for the environment.

Because DDI is committed to minimizing our impact on the Earth, we have been taking steps to implement responsible environmental-conservation practices across the company. Our strategy focuses on several key areas: proactive recycling and use of recycled materials, the efficiency of our buildings and production processes, and smart product design.

Sparking change in our communities

With 42 offices in 26 countries around the world, DDI is in a position to positively affect many people in nonprofits, educational institutions and other groups in need. Whether organizing creative fundraisers to support major charitable organizations, sending a group of employees to present gifts to orphans, or providing complimentary leadership training through our U-Spark program, DDI and its employees give back in many ways.

This video shares one way we SPARK! change in the community.

Check out our U-Spark program

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DDI is committed to minimizing our impact on the Earth

Below are a few ways we have taken steps to implement responsible environmental-conservation practices across the company. Our strategy focuses on several key areas: proactive recycling and use of recyclable materials, the efficiency of our buildings, and smart, digital-first product design and production processes.


DDI purchases recyclable paper from a company that is part of the sustainable-forest initiative to ensure that it comes from an environmentally responsible source. We also print using biodegradable, water-based ink.

Building Efficiency

DDI has installed motion sensors to control lighting in key areas, improved computer patching to allow computers to be turned off at night, and the use of LED lighting. DDI continues to evaluate its energy usage, though ongoing monitoring.

Product Design and Production

Across all the training and marketing materials we create, we design for digital-first consumption. DDI's printing process strives to be environmentally responsible through the reduction of scrap and waste.